Interfaces play a fundamental role in dictating the physical properties and emerging phenomena of low-dimensional materials such as nanowires, nanoparticles, and quantum dots. The Tao research group is interested in the synthesis and surface chemistry of nanoscale materials, with an emphasis on developing new approaches for rational assembly and integration into composites and biological systems.

“Chemical Principles of Nanoengineering” is now available! Download a *free* chapter from Wiley.
- Step-by-step arrangement of material
- End-of-chapter problems
- Detailed coverage of important nanomaterials like quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and more

We are part of the UCSD Institute for Material Design & Discovery and the UCSD Materials Research Science & Engineering Center. Check out our most recent MRSEC-related publications from IRG1 here.
The Tao Lab is hiring! If you are interested in doing your M.S., Ph.D., or post-doctoral training in our group, please send your CV and a cover letter. Those with backgrounds in nanomaterials, chemical synthesis, or chemical sensing should highlight their prior research and/or work experience in these areas. **We are currently looking for scientists and engineers with a background in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy**